cover image: Musicians




On Cech's list describing prints:"F. W. became Political Officer in Sikkim on January 4th, 1933.(Photos 53-75: in and around Paro MPOW: 70-73)70. "The Penlop's soldiers at the Paro guest house 25.6.33"See gi: paroSee ww: paro Penlop70h. This is a group of musicians called collectively "bang-nga-ting-ting". It comprises three pairs of musicians, one on gongs, one on cymbals and one on drums. These musicians were always "zap" (male slaves attached to dzongs who were descendants of slaves captured in the plains of India who received their manumission in the 1950's by the third king). The two musicians sitting cross-legged in the front are the dpa'-bo of the dpa'-cham dance. They are believed to represent the "daku" associated with Padma Sambhava. Their instruments are double-headed wooden "skull" drums. Their crossed sashes symbolise the dpa'-bo (c.f. 57 above). This group of musicians were expected to play heavenly music to escort honoured guests to their destination i.e. the earthly representation of the divine palace." [printed text]For more information see Cech's list.
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