Ur generalkatalogen: "Yxa av järn, tväreggad, skaft av bambu, virat med rött- och gulfärgat gettagel och längst upp prytt med röda gettageltofsar." Bildtexten till en liknande yxa lyder: "Ceremonial daos - Phom dao decorated with goat's hair, Chang dao with a handle ornamented with plaited red cane and yellow orchid skin."(Ganguli, 1993, ej sidnumrering.) Yxan kallas generellt för dao hos olika grupper av nagas. Det är en stor kniv som används både till husbehov och som vapen. (Ganguli, 1993, sid 85 och Hutton,1968, sid 20f.) En dao är en mycket viktig del av en mans utrustning: "The dress of the adult man consists of a large body cloth about two metres long and a metre and a half wide which serves as an outer garment as he drapes it over his shoulders. Underneath on the naked body he uses only a belt of woven cloth about his waist, and from this at the front is suspended an apron about 30 cm square. From the inner part of the apron a cord passes between the legs to the belt at the back; here the man carries a block of wood about 25 cm long with a slit for holding his dao. A Naga villager would hardly ever leave home without a dao, a tool of all tools and weapons of all weapons."(Ganguli, 1993, sid 53) För ytterligare fotografier på daos, ref Jacobs, 1990, sid 246f. Inköpt från C. H. Lundgrens Antikhandel, Stockholm. India 1964.19.0002 India From the catalogue general: “axe of iron, washcloth, bamboo stem, virate with red and yellow-coloured goat tag and at the top of the chagrin with red goat tassels.” The caption of a similar ax reads: “Ceremonial daos - Phom dao Bilwith goat 's hair, Chang dao with an ornamented with plaited red cane and yellow orchid skin.” It is a large knife used both for house needs and as a weapon. (Ganguli, 1993, p. 85 and Hutton, 1968, p. 20f.) A dao is a very important part of a man’s equipment: "The dress of the subject man consists of a En body about two long and a metre and a wide case, as an alternative to drapes it is possible to achieve them. For further photographs on daos, ref Jacobs, 1990, page 246f. India 1964.19.0002
- Published in
- India
- Reference
- 1964.19.0002
- Rights URI
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
- Source
- Europeana https://www.europeana.eu/en/item/91619/SMVK_EM_objekt_1110081