India "Bow, without string, length approx 1,70 meters. On both sides of the grip skin from the feet of a deer have been applied."
Wahlquist, Håkan. 1993. Inventory of the Ethnografic collections of Arne Sucksdorff. Rak båge utan strängar. Runt bägge sidor om handtaget är skinn med päls från två hjortfötter påsatt. Strängarna till bågen saknas. ref Elwin, 1947, sid okänt, fig 7 visar en typisk muriabåge. Den verkar vara en exakt likadan båge. India “Bow, without string, length approx 1.70 m. On both sides of the grip skin from the feet of a deer have” “.”
Wahlquist, Håkan. 1993. The Inventory of the Ethnografic Interventions of Arne Sucksdorff. Straight bow without strings. Around both sides of the handle are skins with fur from two deer feet attached. The strings to the bow are missing. Ref Elwin, 1947, Unknown, Fig 7 shows a typical muria. It seems to be a exactly like arc. 1999.19.0014 1999.19.0014 India
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