Gudabild, Ganesha, av marmor, målad. (generalkatalogen) Inköpta på Indiska utställningen i Stockholm den 16 juni 1909. Ganesha är en av hinduismens populäraste gudar. Han är början till allt och röjer undan hinder som står i vägen för lycka och framgång. Historien om hur han fick sitt elefanthuvud finns i många varianter. En av dem berättar hur Ganesha skapades när hans mor Parvati svettades fram saffransdeg ur sin kropp och av den skapade en liten pojke. Hans första uppgift blev att vakta dörren till Parvatis badhus. När Parvatis make, den starke guden Shiva kom hem högg han huvudet av vad han trodde var en inkräktare, alltså den lille Ganesha. När Shiva upptäckt sitt misstag ersatte han det förstörda huvudet med ett elefanthuvud och gjorde Ganesha till guden av alltings början. Ganesha avbildas ofta tillsammans med en råtta. En av hans betar är avbruten och det berättas att Ganesha med den avbrutna beten skrev ner det långa dikteposet Mahabaratha. Avsluta vid den stora textilmontern C Magasinet - En etnografisk skattkammare Magasinet - M M09 India 1969.31.0047 Magasinet - En etnografisk skattkammare Staden - speglingar av kosmos Magasinet - M Staden Benares M09 India Ganesha is one of the most popular Hindu gods. He is the beginning of everything and he removes all obstacles for happiness and success. There are many variations to the story of how he got his elephant’s head. One of them tells about how Ganesha was create as Parvati, his mother, was sweating out a saffron dough from her body. She used the dough to form a small boy. His first task was to guard the door to Parvati’s bath house. When Parvati’s husband Shiva who was a very strong god came home, he cut off the head of somebody he took for an intruder – small Ganesha. When he discovered his mistake, he replaced the damaged head with an elephant’s head and made Ganesha the god of the beginning of all things. Ganesha is often depicted accompanied by a rat. One of his tusks is broken off and it is said that Ganesha had used it to write down the Mahabaratha, a long epic poem. End your tour at the big textile showcase C. 05 Elefantguden i marmor The Marble Elephant God. Ganesha is one of the most popular Hindu gods. He is the beginning of everything and he removes all obstacles for happiness and success. There are many variations to the story of how he got his elephant’s head. One of them tells about how Ganesha was create as Parvati, his mother, was sweating out a saffron dough from her body. She used the dough to form a small boy. His first task was to guard the door to Parvati’s bath house. When Parvati’s husband Shiva who was a very strong god came home, he cut off the head of somebody he took for an intruder – small Ganesha. When he discovered his mistake, he replaced the damaged head with an elephant’s head and made Ganesha the god of the beginning of all things. Ganesha is often depicted accompanied by a rat. One of his tusks is broken off and it is said that Ganesha had used it to write down the Mahabaratha, a long epic poem. End your tour at the big textile showcase C. The Marble Elephant God. 1969.31.0047 05
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- 1969.31.0047
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