cover image: laghu yogavasiṣṭha


laghu yogavasiṣṭha


Plain wooden cover in both side of this book. This file contains a printed book on Ramayana story in Sanskrit scripts entitled. It is a philosophical text about jeevatma & pramaathma in Hinduism. This text is a short version of the text yogavasiṣṭha and contains 6000 verses and four chapters. Extent: Complete bundle of books. Condition of original material: Good condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320/MRPCKP50. This manuscript contains the following 4 texts. EAP1320/1/48/1: laghu yogavasiṣṭha vairagyaprakaraṇa - Images 3-68 Clear text. In this text describes the conversation between vasishta mahasrhi and rama talking about the panchabhootaham, jeevan mukthi in this chapter. Extent: 33 pages. Condition of original material: Good condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320/MRPCKP50.a. EAP1320/1/48/2: laghu yogavasiṣṭha mumukshuvayahara prakaṇa - Images 69-86 Broken pages. This chapter vasishta mahasrhi describes the life of janaka maharaja. Liberation of life’s in humans. Updated wisdom also talk in this chapter. Extent: 9 pages. Condition of original material: Good condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320/MRPCKP50.b. EAP1320/1/48/3: laghu yogavasiṣṭha utptiprakraṇa - Images 87-230 In this text describes the study of a mind in sarvadharshana. Happiness- harssham, amarsham- frustration, bhayam- fear these three feelings illathavan anu jeevan mukathi needuka. Existence of life through theory’s and example. Good behaviour through wisdom. This chapter discussed about awakens and dreams of mind. rama talks about the aims and objectives of human life. vasistha replied that dreams are not our aims. Through "avidhya". Vasistha describes the definition of swapna in this chapter. Extent: 72 pages. Condition of original material: Good condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320/MRPCKP50.c. EAP1320/1/48/4: laghu yogavasiṣṭha sthitiprakraṇa - Images 231-294 This chapter describes the nature of the world and many non-dualism ideas with numerous stories. It emphasizes free will and human creative power. Extent: 32 pages. Some pages where missing. Condition of original material: Good condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320/MRPCKP50.d.
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Originals Information
The original material is located in Kunnathur Padijaredathmana, Cherppu, Thrissur, Kerala, India.
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