cover image: Mixed bundle


Mixed bundle


Multiple-text palm-leaf manuscript.No wooden covers in this manuscripts. Broken leaves. Incomplete text. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 37 leafs. Condition of original material: Fair condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/IM18. This manuscript contains the following 6 texts. EAP1320/2/2/1: Unidentified Puja - Images 2-13 Broken leafs. Un clear text. This text talks about the ritual played in hindhu pūja ceremony. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 6 leafs inscribed and rest of the all pages where missing. Condition of original material: Fair condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/IM18.1. EAP1320/2/2/2: Unidentified mūlamntara - Images 14-27 This mantra evokes the living God, asking protection and freedom from all sorrow and suffering. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 7 leafs inscribed and rest of the all pages where missing. Condition of original material: Fair condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/IM18.2. EAP1320/2/2/3: Unidentified Puja - Images 28-47 Un clear text. Some leafs are missingThis ms dealing with the subject of puja rituals in hindhuism. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 10 leafs inscribed. Rest of the all pages where missing. Condition of original material: Fair condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/IM18.3. EAP1320/2/2/4: പീഠ പൂജ [pīṭhapūja] - Images 48-67 Broken leafs. Different type hand writings shown in this manuscripts. Hindu devotee is making a spiritual connection with the divine. This text comprises what to do when performing a pūja and what are the pūja rules and pūja mantra. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 10 leafs. Rest of the all pages where missing. Condition of original material: Fair condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/IM18.4. EAP1320/2/2/5: Unidentified - Images 68-71 broken leafs. Un clear text. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 2leafs. Rest of the all pages where missing. Condition of original material: Fair condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/IM18.5. EAP1320/2/2/6: Unidentified - Images 72-75 broken leafs. Un clear text. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 2leafs. Rest of the all pages where missing. Condition of original material: Fair condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/IM18.6.
Content Type
Originals Information
The original material is located in Irinjadappily Mana, Kallettumkara P O, Thrissur District, Kerala, India.
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