cover image: Mixed bundle


Mixed bundle


Multiple-text palm-leaf manuscript. Plain wooden covers in this manuscript. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript bundle. Condition of original material: Good condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/IM2. This manuscript contains the following 7 texts. EAP1320/2/11/1: സ്മാര്‍ത്ത പ്രായശ്ചിത്ത ഭാഷ നന്ദീ മുഖത്തിന്‍റെത് [smartta prayaścaitta bhaṣa nandī mukhttintē] - Images 3-176 This text prescribes the procedure for all penance In Hindu religion. Some leafs missing. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 87 leafs inscribed. Condition of original material: Good condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/IM2.1. EAP1320/2/11/2: സ്മാര്‍ത്ത പ്രായശ്ചിത്ത ഭാഷ നന്ദീ മുഖത്തിന്‍റെത് [smartta prayaścaitta bhaṣa nandī mukhttintē 2] - Images 177-242 This text prescribes the procedure for all penance In Hindu religion. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 33 leafs inscribed. Condition of original material: Good condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/IM2.1a. EAP1320/2/11/3: നാമലിംഗാനുശാസനം [nāmliṃgānuśāsanṃ] - Images 243-308 This manuscript dealing with the subject nāmliṃgānuśāsanṃ also known amarakōśa. This text consists of verses. In this manuscript only one chapter and its commentary inscribed. Incomplete manuscript. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 33 leafs inscribed. Condition of original material: Good condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. Author(s)/Creator(s): Amrsiṃha. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/IM2.2. EAP1320/2/11/4: Unidentified - Images 309-314 only three leafs found. Legible text. Broken leafs. Incomplete manuscript. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 3 leafs inscribed. Condition of original material: Fair condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/IM2.3. EAP1320/2/11/5: വശ്യമന്ത്ര [vaśayamantra] - Images 315-320 Incomplete manuscript.only four pages avilable.This text dealing with some mantras and its commentaries. These mantras used for to attract men/female in Hinduism. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 3 leafs inscribed. Condition of original material: Fair condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/IM2.4. EAP1320/2/11/6: ശനിപ്രദോഷ മാഹാത്മ്യ [śanipradōṣa māhātamya] - Images 321-328 Incomplete manuscript. Only two leaves found. Different type’s manuscript leafs. This text describes the rites performed during the fasting. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 4 leafs inscribed. Condition of original material: Good condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/IM2.5. EAP1320/2/11/7: Unidentified - Images 329-330 Only one leaf found. This text comprises some naṃbūtiri names. Only one side inscribed. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 1 leafs inscribed. Condition of original material: Fair condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/IM2.6.
Content Type
Malayalam Sanskrit
Originals Information
The original material is located in Irinjadappily Mana, Kallettumkara P O, Thrissur District, Kerala, India.
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