cover image: Forced Labour Convention, 1930


Forced Labour Convention, 1930

28 Jun 1930

The Forced Labour Convention was adopted at the 14th International Law Commission session in Geneva, Switzerland hosted by the International Labour Organisation. It was adopted on June 28, 1930, and brought into force only on May 1, 1932. The Convention aims to effectively curb forced or compulsory labour in all its forms.181 countries have ratified the Convention. Ratification is an 'international act' whereby a State indicates its consent to be bound to a treaty. India ratified the Convention in the year 1954. As per Article 22 of the Convention, it is required to submit yearly reports on the steps taken to suppress the prevalence of forced labour. This Forced Labour Convention has 33 Articles. Articles 1-3 provide the meaning and scope of the Convention, outlining what forced and compulsory labour shall and shall not include. Articles 4-9 focus on authorities that are involved with such labour...
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United Nations

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United Nations