cover image: Poverty and Social Exclusion in India


Poverty and Social Exclusion in India

25 Apr 2011

This report by The World Bank focuses on social exclusion of the poor, which has its roots in historical divisions along lines of caste, tribe and gender. These inequalities are more structural in nature and have kept entire groups trapped, unable to take advantage of the opportunities that economic growth offers. The report covers three select groups that face exclusion in India: Adivasis or Scheduled Tribes (STs), Dalits or Scheduled Castes (SCs) and women. However, recent data suggest that Other Backward Classes (OBCs) also fare poorly on some indicators. Since the National Sample Survey (NSS) data on OBCs is available only after 1999-2000, their performance, along a range of development indicators over time, is not dealt with in detail in this report. For each group, the report focuses on a subset of issues. For Dalits, it discusses the poor labour market despite the expansion in education. For Adivasis, it talks about a distinct disadvantage in survival that goes beyond health and includes geographical isolation and the removal of tribals from their traditional lands...


International Bank For Reconstruction And Development, The World Bank

Published in
The World Bank