cover image: Annual Status of Education Report of 2017 (Rural): Beyond Basics


Annual Status of Education Report of 2017 (Rural): Beyond Basics

16 Jan 2018

Since 2005, the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) has provided data on schooling and children’s ability to do basic reading and arithmetic. Since 2006, the report has focused on the age group 5-16. This report for 2017 focuses on rural youth in the age group aged 14-18 since they are close to an income-earning age. It tries to understand their preparedness to lead productive adult lives. In particular, the report examines what the youth are doing, whether they can apply basic reading and arithmetic skills to everyday situations, their familiarity with routine digital and financial processes, and their educational and career goals. The findings are based on data gathered from 28,323 youths, 23,868 households, and 26 rural districts in 24 states.This 156-page document is divided into eight chapters: ASER 2017 'Beyond Basics': An Overview (chapter 1); Why 'Beyond Basics'? (chapter 2); Where was 'Beyond Basics' done, and by who? (chapter 3); Commentary (chapter 4); About ASER 2017 'Beyond Basics' (chapter 5); National picture (chapter 6); District pages (chapter 7) and Annexure (chapter 8).


Aser Centre, New Delhi

Published in
ASER Centre, New Delhi

