cover image: State of Elderly in India 2014


State of Elderly in India 2014

20 Feb 2015

This report by HelpAge India documents the status of the elderly in India and outlines the major problems faced by them. It uses surveys, statistics, laws, and analyses of budgetary allocations for elderly care. HelpAge India is a non-governmental organisation that works with the disadvantaged elderly. The report is a compilation of articles on ageing populations and the fact that many elders live without family, societal and state support. In particular, the report provides information about the India’s ‘oldest old’ (the 80-plus population) and the support systems available to them; the causes of elder abuse and redress mechanisms available to elders; the state of old-age pensions; destitution among the elderly; and laws that safeguard the interests of senior citizens.


Helpage India

Published in
HelpAge India, New Delhi

