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India Inequality Report 2018: Widening Gaps

21 Feb 2018

This report, by the Delhi-based non-profit Oxfam India, analyses trends in inequality in India and recommends ways in which it can be reduced. Its author Himanshu (who uses only his first name) is an associate professor at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University.The report’s introduction says primary and secondary surveys have shown that the levels of inequality in India are not only high but have been rising over the last three decades. The inequalities of consumption expenditure, income and wealth show that India is a high-inequality country and among the most unequal in the world.The third section looks at growing inequality and its impact on various social and religious groups. The fourth section analyses the impact of inequality on social indicators such as nutrition levels, education and gender disparity. The fifth section studies the impact of government policy and markets on inequality, and suggests ways to reduce it.Throughout the report, the Gini coefficient is used as a measure of inequality, in which higher values represent higher inequality. In general, the Gini coefficient is usually between 0 and 1, with 1 representing extreme inequality and 0 representing perfect equality.



Published in
Oxfam India, New Delhi