cover image: Gender Inequality in Indian Media: A Preliminary Analysis


Gender Inequality in Indian Media: A Preliminary Analysis

1 Jan 2019

This 2019 report discusses women’s representation in the newsrooms of English and Hindi news organisations in India. It was published by UN Women in collaboration with digital media platform Newslaundry and Teamwork Arts, a Delhi-based production company working with artists and festivals worldwide.The report studies 55 organisations – 14 television channels, 13 newspapers, 12 magazines, 11 digital media websites, and 5 radio stations operating in 10 cities. Print and digital media articles were categorised as per their writer’s gender to ascertain the proportion of women’s representation. For broadcast media, the gender of the anchor or debate panelist was noted.The seven chapters of this 40-page report are Executive Summary (chapter 1); Introduction (chapter 2); Methodology (chapter 3); Research Limitations (chapter 4); Sections (chapter 5); Appendix (chapter 6) and Project Team (chapter 7). Chapter 7 – ‘Sections’ – is further divided into English Newspapers (section 1); Hindi Newspapers (section 2); English Television News (section 3); Hindi Television News (section 4); Digital Media (section 5); Magazines (section 6) and Radio (section 7).
women media journalism gender-inequality women-journalist indian-media


Un Women; Newslaundry; Teamwork Arts, New Delhi

Published in
UN Women; Newslaundry; Teamwork Arts, New Delhi


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