cover image: Transgender Inclusivity: A reality check

Transgender Inclusivity: A reality check

This report, titled Transgender Inclusivity: A reality check was sponsored by the National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi. Authored by Rajni Singh, a professor at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad, it was published in June 2021. The study concentrates on three objectives: to examine the factors contributing to the exclusion of trans people, to study existing government schemes for welfare of the trans community and to record trans people’s views on the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019. Data for the study was collected through a survey of 202 trans people (above the age of 18 years) living near or in Kolkata. Around 81 per cent of the participants in the survey were under the age of 36 thus making the findings more representative of people in the 18-36 years age group. The research also included an interview with the Deputy Director of the West Bengal Transgender Development Board. The 173-page report contains 11 sections: Introduction (Section 1); Methodology (Section 2); Survey Results (Section 3); Discussions (Section 4); Study of Ongoing Schemes (Section 5); Views of the TGs on the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019 (Section 6); Findings (Section 7); Conclusions & Recommendations (Section 8); Bibliography (Section 9); Appendices (Section 10); and Questionnaire (Section 11).
gender transgender genderqueer transgender-persons-rights


Rajni Singh, Department Of Humanities And Social Sciences, Indian Institute Of Technology, Dhanbad

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National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi

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