cover image: 2020 Global Nutrition Report: Action on equity to end malnutrition


2020 Global Nutrition Report: Action on equity to end malnutrition

12 May 2020

The 2020 Global Nutrition Report discusses inequity in food and health systems, and its relationship to malnutrition. The report has been written and compiled by the Independent Expert Group of the Global Nutrition Report, which includes academics, researchers and government representatives from around the world. The publication was supported by the Global Nutrition Stakeholder Group and the UK-based Development Initiatives Poverty Research Ltd.Nutritional wellbeing has become increasingly important in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, especially for the marginalised. This report highlights the need for integrating nutrition into universal health coverage to improve diets, save lives and reduce the burden on healthcare systems.The report suggests measures to end malnutrition globally by examining it through an ‘equity lens’. Its analysis reveals that global and national patterns hide inequalities like the urban-rural divide. The report proposes a conceptual framework to address nutrition inequities through the various socio-economic and political contexts that determine it.The 172-page publication contains six chapters: Introduction: towards global nutrition equity (Chapter 1); Inequities in the global burden of malnutrition (Chapter 2); Mainstreaming nutrition within universal health coverage (Chapter 3); Food systems and nutrition equity (Chapter 4); Equitable financing for nutrition (Chapter 5); Ensuring equitable nutrition: a collective responsibility (Chapter 6).
malnutrition nutrition obesity anaemia girls adolescent adolescent-women


Independent Expert Group Of The Global Nutrition Report

Published in
Development Initiatives Poverty Research Ltd., Bristol, UK



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