cover image: Global Gender Gap Report 2022


Global Gender Gap Report 2022

13 Jul 2022

This report was published by the World Economic Forum, Switzerland, on July 13, 2022. The Global Gender Gap Report was first published in 2006; this 2022 edition is the 16th report in the series. The report evaluates the performance of 146 countries on the Global Gender Gap Index, a scale of 0 to 100 which marks countries on the “percentage of the gender gap that has been closed”. Countries are ranked as per the current state of gender parity across the four dimensions of economic opportunities, education, health, and political empowerment. The 146 countries are classified into eight regions: Central Asia, East Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, North America, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa. By reviewing the progress towards gender equality over the years, the report also projects the number of years it will take for the world to achieve gender parity. As per the present rate of change, it estimates that another 132 years are needed for complete gender parity globally. The 374-page report consists of two chapters: Benchmarking gender gaps 2022 (Chapter 1); and Gender gaps in the workforce: an emerging crisis (Chapter 2)...
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World Economic Forum, Switzerland

Published in
World Economic Forum, Switzerland



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