cover image: Government of West Bengal. Department of Co-operative Societies. Instructions on the Management of Co-operative Societies

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Government of West Bengal. Department of Co-operative Societies. Instructions on the Management of Co-operative Societies


The order should be addressed to the supervisor in charge of the society and shall spgeify the date by which the supervisor should submit his report on the progress of rectification of audit defects by the society. [...] (14) The printed deposit receipts and the pass books should contain the more essential deposit rules and in particular the following namely— (a) all fixed deposits received by the society will be confirmed within 15 clays from the date of receipt by the chairman or the vicchairman and the secretary; (b) where no confirmation is received within the prescribed time it will be the duty of the d [...] (20) A notice should be kept prominently displayed for the whole period from the close of the year to the date of completion of audit or where a running audit is maintained throughout the year in the office of the society requesting the depositors to get their accounts verified by the audit officer. [...] Every depositor should communicate direct to the audit officer or the departmental officer in charge of the society the amount of deposit at his credit at the close of every co-operative year within 15 days from the date of receipt of the verification slip" to be issued by the audit officer. [...] (18) Where no confirmation is received within the prescrilled time it will be the duty of the depositor to bring the fact of non-receipt of confirmation" to the notice of the local departmental officer and the Chairman of the Society.
government politics public policy
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