cover image: The Report of the University Education Commission (December 1948 - August 1949)

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The Report of the University Education Commission (December 1948 - August 1949)


We are grateful for the opportunity which we were given to survey the work of the universities to assess their contribution to the eductional progress of the nation to appraise the value of their objectives and achievements and to examine their structure and functions in view of the great changes that have occurred in the political economic and social life of the country in recent years. [...] (v) The courses of study in the universities with special rference to the maintenance of a sound balance between the Humanities and the Sciences and between pure science and technological training and the duration of such couses. [...] The names of the universities and the colleges visited and the persons interviewed are found in Appendix ' A '. Thus we were able to obtain a great deal of direct knowledge of the working of the universities and colleges. [...] One of the Jatakas relates the story of the sixteen year-old son of the King of Banaras who went to distant Taksasila with a thousand pieces of gold the fee for his teacher who was to take him through the various branches of learning. [...] 3. British Period : Calcutta Madrasah and Banaras Sanskrit College.—When Muslim rulers were replaced by the British the latter felt the need of doing something for the education of the people and one of the noteworthy acts of Warren Hastings the first Govenor-General was to establish the Calcutta Madrasah which was itended to qualify the sons of Mahomedan gentlemen for responsble and
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-v unknown view
1-6 unknown view
Chapter I Historical Retrospect
7-31 unknown view
Chapter II The Aims of University Education
32-67 unknown view
Chapter III Teaching Staff : Universities and Colleges
68-82 unknown view
Chapter IV Standards of Teaching
83-116 unknown view
Chapter V Courses of Study: Arts and Science
117-138 unknown view
Chapter V Courses of Study: Arts and Science
139-173 unknown view
Chapter VII Professional Education
174-286 unknown view
Chapter VIII Religious Education
287-303 unknown view
Chapter IX Meditim of Instruction
304-326 unknown view
Chapter X Examinations
327-342 unknown view
Chapter XI Students Their Activities and Welfare
343-391 unknown view
Chapter XII Women’s Education
392-402 unknown view
Chapter XIII Constitution and Control
403-436 unknown view
Chapter XIV Finance
437-455 unknown view
Chapter XV Banaras Aligarh and Delhi Universities
456-479 unknown view
Chapter XVI Other Universities
480-553 unknown view
Chapter XVIII Rural Universities
554-590 unknown view
591-594 unknown view
595-736 unknown view
737-747 unknown view

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