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University of Calcutta. The Calendar 1952


Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-xx unknown view
I. The University
1-30 unknown view
II. Council of Post-Graduate Teaching in Arts
31-66 unknown view
III. Boards and Committees
67-81 unknown view
IV. University Professorships
82-150 unknown view
V. University Readerships and Lectureships
151-181 unknown view
VI. Special University Readerships
182-186 unknown view
VII. University Extension Lectures
187-191 unknown view
VIII. University Travelling and other Fellowships
192-216 unknown view
IX. Research Studentships Scholarships Prizes and Medals
217-272 unknown view
X. Endowments for Scholarships Prizes and Medals on the results of the University Examinations
273-614 unknown view
XI. Scholarships for Study Outside India
615-639 unknown view
XII. University Buildings
640-642 unknown view
XIII. Maharaja Sir Rameswar Singh of Darbhanga University Central Library
643-645 unknown view
XIV. University College of Science Laboratories Museums Etc.
646-650 unknown view
XV. University Basanti-Bijay School of Mining at Ikhra
651-657 unknown view
XVI. University Agricultural Institute Barrackpur
658-658 unknown view
XVII. Appointments and Information Board
659-660 unknown view
XVIII. University Students Information Bureau
661-663 unknown view
XIX. Institutions Affiliated to the University
664-1160 unknown view
XX. University Law College
1161-1170 unknown view
XXI. Institution Recognised Under Section 7 Chapter xvi of the Regulations
1171-1173 unknown view
XXII. Alphabetical List of Recognised Schools
1174-1237 unknown view
XXIII. Text-Books
1238-1432 unknown view
1433-1458 unknown view
1459-1504 unknown view
General Index
1505-1522 unknown view

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