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Tagore Law Lectures 1922. Recent Developments in International Law


Side by side with the progress of codification in the sense in which the term is here used has gone the develoment of agencies and processes for the peaceable settlement of international controversies the ultimate object of which is"PREFACE iX the substitution of a system of law and justice in the place of force and violence as the basis of international conduct. [...] The effect of the covenant has been to alter some of the fundamental bases on which international law has heretofore rested to establish new conceptions of international duty to shift the emphasis more and more from the rights of states to their obligations and responsibilities and to exalt the idga of interdependence and solidarity at the expense of nationalism and independence. [...] During the last half-century the controversies that have raged the discussion that they have provoked the solutions that have been sought the efforts that have been put forth to improve the law and the conventions that have been formlated have been confined in the main to the part of the law which deals with the conduct and relations of states in time of war. [...] As to the value of text writers in the United States as authorities see the opinion of the Supreme Court in the case of the Paqutite Habana where it was said they were resorted to as " evidence " of the customs and usages of civilized nations not for the speculations concerning what the law ought to he. [...] This is the case in respect to such questions as the acquisition and loss of nationality theories of jurisdiction the test of enemy character for purposes of capture and intercourse the legal effects of the outbreak of war bellgprency and insurgency the extradition of nationals the status of merchantmen in foreign ports commercial intercourse with the enemy certain matters relating to bl
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-xii James Garner view
Lecture I Recent and Present Tendencies in the Development of International Law
1-42 James Garner view
Lecture II Development of Conventional International Law; the Hague Conventions
43-93 James Garner view
Lecture III Development of the Conventional Law of Maritime Warfare; The Declaration of London
94-140 James Garner view
Lecture IV Development of International Aerial Law
141-188 James Garner view
Lecture V Interpretation and Application of International Law in Recent Wars
189-254 James Garner view
Lecture VI Interpretation and Application of International Law in Recent Wars (Continued)
255-301 James Garner view
Lecture VII Interpretation and Application of International Law During the World War
302-353 James Garner view
Lecture VIII Interpretation and Application of International Law during the World War (Continued)
354-396 James Garner view
Lecture IX The Treaties of Peace (1919) and International Law
397-463 James Garner view
Lecture X Progress of International Arbitration
464-525 James Garner view
Lecture XI Development of other Agencies for the Peaceable Settlement of International Disputes
526-588 James Garner view
Lecture XII Development of International Legislation and Organization
589-651 James Garner view
Lecture XIII Development of the International Court of Justice
652-707 James Garner view
Lecture XIV Progress of Codification
708-774 James Garner view
Lecture XV The Reconstruction of International Law
775-818 James Garner view
819-840 James Garner view

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