cover image: Thiagaraja (A Great Musician Saint.)

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Thiagaraja (A Great Musician Saint.)


Max Muller shut up by the waters of the Cauvery chose to rather listen to the insipid chirping of the poor grass-hoppers of the island than cross the river and avail himself of the festive carol of Thirvaiyar's nightingale ; °delighted himself in the4 THIAGARAJ A moonshine of fiction and wrote in the plenitude of his ignorance : Hindu Music to-day (that is in the time of Thiagaraja) is the s [...] Indeed from out of them we get the expression of the life of the time (which they relate) of the manners of the movment. the dres; the pleasures the laughter and the ridicules of society. [...] Wish a high ambition of having all the ancient Universities rolled into this College the Prime-Minister introduced into his Institution the Medicine of Taxila the Logic of Nalanda the Astro omy of Ujjain the Tanthra of Vikramasila t Dramatic Literature of Kanouj and the Vedantic Literature of Benares. [...] In the hands of his successors the College began to mark time ; and when the Nawab of Arcot interfered with the affairs of Tanjore it came to be uncared-for and degenerated into a factory of literary drudges. [...] At the tinve hoever when our Thiagaraja joined the College the tone of the Institution was a little improved and the subject of instruction comprised the Iwo Epics and Bhagavatham in Vernacular and Vyakaranam Logic and Vedas in Sanskrit.
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SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii M.S. Aiyar view
i-xviii M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter I. Introduction
1-10 M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter II. Thiagaraja’s Early Life and Education
11-25 M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter III. His Date
26-31 M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter IV. His Initiation Into Music
32-i M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter V. His Battle of Life
37-46 M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter VI. His Age
47-51 M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter VII. His Spirit
52-61 M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter VIII. His Appearance and Characteristics
62-69 M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter IX. Periods of his Career
70-94 M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter X. His Views of Music
95-98 M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter XI. His Works on Music
99-108 M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter XII. His Signal Service
109-123 M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter XIII. His Style and Diction
124-129 M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter XIV. His Raga and Thala Systems
130-139 M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter XV. His Instruments of Music
140-143 M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter XVI. His Contemporaries
144-151 M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter XVII. His Philosophy
152-175 M.S. Aiyar view
Chapter XVIII. Conclusion
176-177 M.S. Aiyar view

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