cover image: Report of the All Asia Educational Conference. (Benares  December 26-30  1930)

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Report of the All Asia Educational Conference. (Benares December 26-30 1930)


V. The Secretary Ministry of Public Instruction Bangkok: (1) Report on the Work of the Ministry of Education of The Siamese Government B. E. 2468 (1925-26) (English). [...] The World Federation acceded to the request and the Asian Directors were entrusted with the work of holding the conference in India at Bombay along with the fourth Conference of the All India Federation. [...] These delegates went to Geneva took part in the activities of the World Coference and called a meeting of the eastern delegates on the spot to consider the advisabilit7 of holding the Conference. [...] The Working Committee were also deprived of the services of the Chairman of the Reception Committee Pandit Matlan Mohan Malaviya who was not only the chief inspirer of the Conference but also the Commander-in-Chief under whose guidance people opened their pursstrings and made generous gifts. [...] if by a perusal of the contents of this volume the eastern countries realise the necessity of a more vigorous programme of eduction a newer readjustment of educational conditions and the healing touch of international contacts the organisers would feel amply repaid for their labours.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-xiv D.P. Khattry view
I. Acknowledgment
1-3 D.P. Khattry view
II. Foreword
4-7 D.P. Khattry view
III. Conference Diary
8-i D.P. Khattry view
IV. Introductory
11-50 D.P. Khattry view
V. Achievements of the Conference
51-i D.P. Khattry view
VI. Inaugural Session
63-v D.P. Khattry view
VII. Opening of Educational Exhibition
101-103 D.P. Khattry view
VIII. Farewell Session
104-115 D.P. Khattry view
IX. The Theory and Practice of Education
116-161 D.P. Khattry view
X. Educational Survey and Generai Description
162-i D.P. Khattry view
XI. University Education Section
175-i D.P. Khattry view
XII. Secondary Education Section
207-267 D.P. Khattry view
XIII. Primary Education Section
268-302 D.P. Khattry view
XIV. Rural Education Section
303-326 D.P. Khattry view
XV. Illiteracy Section
327-343 D.P. Khattry view
XVI. Adult Education Section
344-384 D.P. Khattry view
XVII. Women’s Education Section
385-418 D.P. Khattry view
XVIII. Kindergarten and Montessori Section
419-442 D.P. Khattry view
XIX. Teachers Training Section
443-488 D.P. Khattry view
XX. Teachers Associations Section
489-509 D.P. Khattry view
XXI. Parental Co-Operation Section
510-520 D.P. Khattry view
XXII. Character Moral and Religious Education Section
521-ii D.P. Khattry view
XXIII. Health Hygiene and Physical Culture Section
571-636 D.P. Khattry view
XXIV. Library Service Section
637-692 D.P. Khattry view
XXV. Oriental Classics Section
693-731 D.P. Khattry view
XXVI. Notable Public Addresses and Papers
732-814 D.P. Khattry view
XXVII. Miscellaneous
815-837 D.P. Khattry view

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