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Thacker’s Indian Directory 1947-48


11 25 40114 PAID-UP CAPITAL : : : : RESERVE FUND : : : : RESERVE LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Local Head Offices : BOMBAY—CALCUTTA—MADRAS London Office : 25 OLD BROAD STREET E. C.2 BANKING FACILITIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Branches and Sub-Branches : iv Rs. [...] Canada : BARCLAYS BANK CANADA Malaya : INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK Managing birector : Dr. [...] Pleader and Public Prosecutor Hooghly GOENKA COMMERCIAL BANK LIMITED Head Office : DARJEELING Branches : KURSEONG SILIGURI and KALIMPONG Managing Director : Mr. [...] Albert building Hornby Road Fort Bombay Telephone : 22743 Lahore Qffice : Calcutta Office : Karachi Office : The Mall 56 Chowringhee Road 25 Badri Building LAHORE CALCUTTA McLeod Road KARACHI are glad to offer complete Import and Export services all over the world making business easier for Indian Industiiiilists: a a 13= CS Intl SI XIME3e4pICTS And all Wilds of Vooflen Worsted and Silk Ma [...] TOOL AND SPRING STEELS : Of uniform grain structure and excellent machineability to suit and serve all purposes.
urban studies
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-xiv unknown view
General Section
1-34 unknown view
Official Section
i-vi unknown view
Educational Section
1-iii unknown view
1-iv unknown view
Newspapers and Periodicals
1-viii unknown view
Government of Bengal
1-iii unknown view
1-204 unknown view
Bengal Civil Divisions
1-iii unknown view
Bombay Province
i-iv unknown view
1-74 unknown view
Civil Divisions
1-iv unknown view
Madras Province
i-16 unknown view
1-24 unknown view
Civil Divisions
1-ii unknown view
The Provincial Section
1-14 unknown view
i-10 unknown view
i-26 unknown view
Central India
i-6 unknown view
Central Provinces and Berar
i-14 unknown view
Mysore And Coorg
i-8 unknown view
N.-W. Frontier Province
i-4 unknown view
i-6 unknown view
i-48 unknown view
i-4 unknown view
Sind and Baluchistan
i-18 unknown view
United Provinces
i-iv unknown view
Indian States
i-xl unknown view
1-vi unknown view
Classified Use of Trades and Professions
1-lxx unknown view
Commercial Industries Section
i-xxxvi unknown view
Mineral and Mining Section
1-14 unknown view
Plantations Section
1-ii unknown view
Tea Companies in India
1-54 unknown view
Traders Merchants and Manufacturers
1-iii unknown view
British and Foreign Merchants
1-ii unknown view
Supplementary Section
1-10 unknown view

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