cover image: Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Report on the Organization of Wool Marketing

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Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Report on the Organization of Wool Marketing


Nel 24-40-35The cost of the preparation of this Report and of the investigation on which it is based is defrayed out of funds placed at the disposal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries by the Empire.J. [...] This has led to the production of wool of low quality.* In respect of the relative importance of mutton and wool to the sheep industry the contrast between this country and New Zealand where the sheep have been largely derived from the mutton breeds found in this country is remarkable. [...] In Great Britain the return from the carcase is approximately six times as much as that from the fleece '- whereas in New Zealand the fleece and carcase produce approximately the same revenue4 (c) Size of Flock.—Side by side with the great diversity of breed and of wool quality the marketing system must also contend with the small size of the flock unit. [...] the supplies of the principal consuming countries very considerable changes occur both over long and short periods in the total imports of each country in the relative proportions of the different types of wool imported and in the sources of supply. [...] of the total exports of the home clip including about one-half of the greasy wool about one-third of the scoured or washed wool and about four-fifths of the pulled and sliped wool.
commerce industry
Published in
United Kingdom
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
Cover Page
i-ii unknown view
i-6 unknown view
7-8 unknown view
Part I General
9-30 unknown view
Part II Methods of Assembling the Home Clip
31-51 unknown view
Part III The Organization of Wool Marketing Abroad
52-126 unknown view
127-141 unknown view
142-149 unknown view
vi-xiv unknown view

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