cover image: The International Law Association - Report of the Forty-Fifth Conference Held at Lucerne Congress Hall  August 31st to September 6th 1952

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The International Law Association - Report of the Forty-Fifth Conference Held at Lucerne Congress Hall August 31st to September 6th 1952


A. has taken into cosideration the present position of foreign states before national Courts ; Whereas the multiplication and extension of the activities of the State has resulted in an attempt by the Courts of many States to restrict the operation of the rule of Immunity of Foreign Stg.tes by distinguishing between " the public law acts " and the " private law acts of the States."viii RESOLUTI [...] Discussed the League of Nations ; received and dis-HISTORY OF THE ASSOCIATION cussed the Report of the British Maritime Law Committee on the Laws of War at Sea ; discussed the Treatment of Prisoners of War ; International Coperation under the League of Nations and Avition in Time of Peace. [...] The objects of the Association include the study elucidation and advancement of international law public and private the study of comparative law the making of proposals for the solution of conflicts of law and for the unification of law and the furthering of international understanding and goodwill. [...] INTERNATIONAL LAW ASSOCIATION STANDING ORDERS (Adopted by the full Council at Paris Conference 1936.) I. The order of business shall be as follows :- 1. The election of the President of the Association and of the officers of the Conference. [...] OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION 1951-1952 The Executive Council consists of the President and EPresidents of the Association the Chairman and one Vice-Chairman of the Executive Council the Treasurer and the Hon.
Published in
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i unknown view
ii-cxxviii unknown view
Inaugural Meeting
1-18 unknown view
Sovereignty and International Co-Operation
19-42 unknown view
International Companies
43-66 unknown view
International Company Law
67-98 unknown view
Air Law
99-142 unknown view
Rights to the Sea-Bed and its Subsoil
143-178 unknown view
Trade Marks
179-209 unknown view
State Immunity
210-232 unknown view
Monetary Law
233-296 unknown view
Insolvency Committee Meeting
297-297 unknown view
Closing Session
298-302 unknown view
Report of the Conflict of Laws Committee
303-314 unknown view
List of Speakers
315-317 unknown view

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