cover image: Central Advisory Board of Education. Report of the Women’s Education Committee on Primary Education of Girls in India  1936

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Central Advisory Board of Education. Report of the Women’s Education Committee on Primary Education of Girls in India 1936


The terms of reference were:— To examine the existing arrangements for the education of girls at the primary stage with special reference to the probehn of wastage and the provision of teachers; and to make recomendations." The Women's Education Committee consist of the following :— LADY GRIGG. [...] (i) Memorandum on the education of girls in India; (ii) Statistics relating to the education of girls and explanatory note; (iii) Note on the curriculum of girls' primary schools; (iv) Proposed agenda."2 4. The committee as finally constituted met in Simla on September the 1st at 10 A. M. in the room of the Educational Commissioner with the Government of India. [...] Need for more High and Middle Schools.—Arisinout of this expansion of training facilities was the need to increase the number of middle schools to provide the material to be trained and high schools to produce the higher qualified teachers necessary to staff the training schools. [...] In fact the Committee generally agreed that one of the reasons why the literacy of girls was at so low a figure was that many of the girls' schools were incomplete schools and the girls never went on to full primary schools and so never had an opportunity of obtaining permanent literacy. [...] Secondary education for girls will be helped under this scheme for the provision of teachers is a first call on any scheme of expansion but some of the money is being applied to the provision of women supervisors of girls primary schools and the engagement of women teachers for the infant classes of boys primary schools.
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Report of the Women’s Education Committee of the Central Advisory Board of Education on Primary Education of Girls in India
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