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School of Indian Architecture and Regional Planning


The need for the initiation of such an institution as has been envisaged by us appears to be of urgent importance in anticipation of the post-war period marking a definite advance in the cultural development of the country. [...] DETAILS OF COURSES I. AIMS AND OBJECTS In considering the formation of a School of Indian Architecture and Regional Planning it is necessary to take into account briefly the present position of Architecture and of the Architectural profession generally in India as to be a living force the School must fulfil both an immediate and a long term need. [...] A further and infinitely more important problem is presented by the fact that India is on the verge of the greatest step forward in human progress * The School of Architecture of the Sir J. J. School of Art nombay gives a full time training up to the Intermediate standard of the R.I.B. [...] The central theme of the school will be the creation of architects and planners but it will also influence sculpture painting and many other of the diverse needs of the intellect and the emotions which have been so nobly fulfilled in the past. [...] idemiticatihn of photos and specimens illustrative of the life of primitive peoples of India.
the arts art history
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School of Indian Architecture and Regional Planning
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