cover image: Rules and Regulations of the Asiatic Society as corrected up to 6th April  1953

Premium 20.500.12592/wqs276

Rules and Regulations of the Asiatic Society as corrected up to 6th April 1953


In 1899 the Council went into the question of resumption of the original name of the Society by dropping the words " of Bengal " but the general body of Members to whom the matter was referred in January 1900 did not approve of the proposal of the Council to the effect that the Society should be designated simply as " the Asiatic Society." IV. [...] (3) If the office of the Treasurer becomes vacant between two etings of the Council the President shall designate a member of e Council to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the.easurer until the next meeting of the Council. [...] (5) If the office of the General Secretary becomes vacant tween two meetings of the Council the President shall designate Member of the Council to exercise the powers and perform the duties the General Secretary until the next meeting of the Council. [...] Such report shall set forth the income and expenditure for the calendar year the balance in hand the debts and assets the estimated income and expenditure of the succeeding year the prosperity or otherwise of the Society and the progress of the Library. [...] (b) To attend the Meetings of the Society and of the Council; to keep a record of the proceedings of such Meetings during their progress; and at the commencment of every such Meeting to read out the minutes of the previous Meeting unless they are taken as read with the consent of the Chairman.
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SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i unknown view
i-x unknown view
Part I Rules
1-22 unknown view
Part II Regulations
23-64 unknown view
65-70 unknown view
i-i unknown view

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