cover image: Co-operative Farming in Bombay Province

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Co-operative Farming in Bombay Province


Originally it was contemplated to set up a Committee to investigate in the light of the existing crop practices distribution of land and prevailing laud tenures and also the extent of virgin laud available for development the suitability of the adoption of schemes of collective co-operative joint or ter farming to recom. [...] Government has considered his report carefully and also the recomendations on the subject contained in the report of the Co-operative Planning Committee appointed by the Government of India under the chairmanship of lir. [...] Government will place for a period of five years the servic& of Agricultural Assistants at the disposal of these societies or groups of such societies where they are in compact areas the society to bear half of the cost or the third year and full cost from the sixth year. [...] When the Bill for the Consolidation of Prevention of Fragmentation of Holdings is enacted schemes of co-operative farming will be helpful in a accelerating the pace of consolidtion of fragments. [...] Some of these might have now acquired the status of protecte I tenants under the provision of Bombay Tenancy Act 1939 and in respect of the rest the term of tenancy will be hereafter for at least 10 years according to the provision of the same Act as recently amended.
agriculture environment
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i unknown view
i-iv unknown view
Area and Land Tenures
1-2 unknown view
Distribution of Land
2-5 unknown view
Government Waste Land
5-7 unknown view
Lands Irrigable by Bandharas
7-7 unknown view
Lands Irrigable by Special Pumping Sets
7-7 unknown view
The Methods of Cultivation
8-9 unknown view
Views and Suggestions of the Members of the Public
9-13 unknown view
District Meetings
13-16 unknown view
Advantages of Co-Operative Farming
16-24 unknown view
Co-Operative Farming in Palestine
24-25 unknown view
Joint Village Management
25-26 unknown view
Co-Operative Farming Societies in Bombay Province
26-27 unknown view
The Suitability of Co-Operative Farming
27-28 unknown view
Types of Co-Operative Farming and their Suitability
28-30 unknown view
Provincial Co-Operative Farmtng Board
30-31 unknown view
Co-Operative Farming and Government Aid
31-33 unknown view
Mixed Farming
33-33 unknown view
Subsidiary Industries
33-34 unknown view
34-34 unknown view
34-35 unknown view
Co-Operative Farming and Irrigation
35-36 unknown view
36-38 unknown view
Tenancy Act 1939 and Co-Operative Farming
38-38 unknown view
Co-Operative Farming and Ex-Servicemen
38-40 unknown view
41-82 unknown view

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