cover image: Basic National Education. Report of the Zakir Husain Committee and the Detailed Syllabus with a foreword by Mahatma Gandhi


Basic National Education. Report of the Zakir Husain Committee and the Detailed Syllabus with a foreword by Mahatma Gandhi


2. The pupils should become acquainted with the public utility services the working of the panchayat and the co-operative society the duties of the public servants the constitution of the District Board or Municipality the use and significance of the vote and with the growth and significance of representa-"[ 24 1 tive institutions. [...] (b) Study and representation of weather phenmena; (mainly outdoor work c. g. direct observtion of the sun; changes in the height of the noonday sun at different times of the year; reading of the weather-vane; thermometer and barometer; methods of recording temperature and pressure; records of rainy and dry days and of the rainfall; prevailing wind directions; duration of day and night in [...] The purpose of the examination can be served by an administrative check of the work of the schools in a prescribed area by a sample measurement of the attainment of selected groups of students conducted by the inspectors of the Education Board. [...] The Board of Education should judge the effciency of its schools by the sample achievement tests mentioned above by the efficiency of the pupils in the basic handicraft and by the specific contrbutions made by the teachers and pupils to the iprovement of the general life of the community around. [...] The introduction of a craft the co-ordintion and correlation of the content of the curriculum the close relationship with life the method of learing by doing the individual initiative and the sense of social responsibility which are among the main features of the new scheme suggested here cannot be realised without supplying to both the teachers and the pupils — but primarily to the t

Mentioned Organizations

Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-iii unknown view
1-2 unknown view
3-3 M.K. Gandhi view
Resolutions Passed at the Wardha National Education Conference 22nd & 23rd October 1937
4-5 unknown view
Report of Dr. Zakir Husain Committee
6-10 unknown view
Section I. Basic Principles
11-18 unknown view
Section II. Objectives
18-30 unknown view
Section III. Training of Teachers
30-36 unknown view
Section IV. Supervision and Examinations
36-39 unknown view
Section V. Administration
39-66 unknown view
Detailed Syllabus
67-194 unknown view
Appendix A
i-195 unknown view

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