cover image: Trade Report  1926-27 (With Statements I to XXIX)

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Trade Report 1926-27 (With Statements I to XXIX)


11 Paper and Pasteboard... 11 Yarn and Textile Fabrics—Cotton Piece-Goods and manufactures—Jute Silk and Wool manufactures 11 Miscellaneous Articles— Candles...... Cordage and Rope Matches..... Mats and Matting... Perfumery..„... [...].... 15 Wood and Timber.. 15 Ivory unmanufactured. 15 Pearls unset... 15 Shells and Cowries. 15 Fodder and Specimens.... 15 20 Articles mainly or wholly manufactured— Apparel 16 Carriages and Carts (vide " V ehieles" ) Chemicals Drugs and Medicines.. 16 Hardware and Cutlery 16 Dys3 and Dolours 16 Metals. 16 Paper and Pasteboard.. [...] Yarn and Textile Fabrics—Cotton Piece-Goods and manufactures— Jute Silk and Wool manufactures.. 16 Miscellaneous Articles— Candles..... 16 Cordage and Rope... 16 Perfumery... 16 Mats and Matting. 16 Soap..... 16 21 Miscellaneous and Unclassified— Animals living.. 16 Articles Exported per Post..... 17 22 Treasure (Sea-borne).... [...] Hardware.—Shows a large increase in Imports from the United Kingdom Austria and the United States of America ; and in Exports to Somaliland the Red Sea Ports and Djibouti. [...] _Plass III.—Decreases are seen in Apparel Boots and Shoes ; Candles ; Chemicals ; Drugs and Medicines ; Dyeing and Tanning Materials ; Earthenware and Porcelain ; Machinery ; Mats and Matting ; Paper and Pasteboard ; Cotton Piece-Goods ; Soap and Vehicles.
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Report on the Trade and Navigation of Aden
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