cover image: Yoga-Vâsishta (Laghu  the Smaller)

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Yoga-Vâsishta (Laghu the Smaller)


UTPA.771-PRAKARANA—the Chapter on Origi1. The Story of Akagaja or Son of Aka§a 38 2. The Story of Lila or Sport 47 3. The Story of Karkati 64 4. The Story of Aindava the son of Indu or the Moon 75 5. The Story of the deceitful Indra... [...] In the abridged text almost all the words of the bigger book are reproduced verbatim the labour of the author being generally devoted to cutting down the expansive descriptions contained in the latter ; so that in the work before us we have got the quintesence extracted. [...] Through a study of Patanjali's Yoga-Sutras it is clear from Book HI Aphrism 17 that the cause of all pains is the conjunction of the seer with the visual or the subject with the object ; the conception of 1" having been brought about by the identification of the subject with the object. [...] In the technical phraseology of this work the ideation reflected in the Lila-Sankalpa of Brahman is the origin of the World ; its manifestation the preservation of the world ; and its disappearance the destruction of the world. [...] Thus eight stories conclude this chapter wherein is traced the initial stage of the origin of I" ; wherein also is exemplified the fact that the universe arises out of the mere Sankalpa of the original creator both the universe and Jiva the intelligence arising as the illusory aspect of the One Substratum.
philosophy religion
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Segment Pages Author Actions
i-xxviii unknown view
1-28 unknown view
29-37 unknown view
Utpatti Prakarana
38-103 unknown view
Sthiti—Prakarana or the Chapter on Preservation
104-145 unknown view
Upasânti Prakarana
146-233 unknown view
Nirvâna Prakarana
234-350 unknown view
351-357 unknown view

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