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India in Primitive Christianity


PAGE Indian books—The S'rl Ka Chakra in the Devi RashyThe Sacrifice of the Year-god in the Kali Ka Purina— Its analogy with the Roman Catholic Eucharist—Both sacrifices make-believe—Startling points of contact with the great Mystery-play in Tibet—Description of the Sacrificial Body of the Dead Year "—Stabbed and cut to pieces—Great scramble for the fragments— New Year as in Alexandria represen [...] He said : " The astonishing points of contact (resslmblr.nces etonnantes) between the popular legend of Buddha and that of Christ the almost absolute similarity of the moral lessons given to the world at five centuries' interval between these two peerless teachers of the human race the striking affinities between the customs of the Buddhists and of the Essenes of whom Christ must have been a [...] In the following pages the reader may gain some knowledge of how it affected the dotrine of eternal rewards and punishments the rite of Transubstantiation the destruction of the KOS:MOS by the advent of the great Judge the Trinity and Logos ideas. [...] We will copy down from Colebrooke a digest of the two prominent philosophies of the followers of S'iva the first derived from the Yoga S'astra of Patanjali and the second from the Karica of Kapila. [...] 43 we read " Yea ye took up the Tabenacle of Moloch and the star of your god Remphan." The author of " the Acts " knew what was meant and in point of fact he is quoting the Septuagint which altered " Chiun " into " Remphan.' And Jehovah's great anger against " Ashtoreth the goddess of Sidon " and the " pillars " and " groves " does not harmonise with the early books.
philosophy religion
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Segment Pages Author Actions
i-xii Arthur Lillie view
1-8 Arthur Lillie view
Chapter I Siva
9-ii Arthur Lillie view
Chapter II Baal
27-45 Arthur Lillie view
Chapter III Buddha
46-ii Arthur Lillie view
Chapter IV “The Wisdom of the Other Bank”
69-83 Arthur Lillie view
Chapter V King Asoka
84-106 Arthur Lillie view
Chapter VI The Mahayana
107-118 Arthur Lillie view
Chapter VII Avalokitishwara
119-130 Arthur Lillie view
Chapter VIII The Cave Temple and Its Mysteries
131-140 Arthur Lillie view
Chapter IX Architecture
141-160 Arthur Lillie view
Chapter X The Essenes
161-175 Arthur Lillie view
Chapter XI The Essene Jesus
176-199 Arthur Lillie view
Chapter XII More Coincidences
200-i Arthur Lillie view
Chapter XIII Rites
219-224 Arthur Lillie view
Chapter XIV Paulinism
225-234 Arthur Lillie view
Chapter XV Transubstantiation
235-244 Arthur Lillie view
Chapter XVI Ceylon
245-261 Arthur Lillie view
Chapter XVII Alexandria
262-274 Arthur Lillie view
Chapter XVIII Ophis and the Serpents
275-iii Arthur Lillie view
Chapter XIX Descent into Hell
282-294 Arthur Lillie view
Glossary and Index
295-299 Arthur Lillie view

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