cover image: Report of the Secondary Education Commission ( October 1952 - June 1953 )

Premium 20.500.12592/v7qgj6

Report of the Secondary Education Commission ( October 1952 - June 1953 )


Co-opted Members In most of the States which the Ccmmission visited the Government of the State concerned nominated a member of the Education Department or a prominent educationist of the State as a co-opted member during the Commission's tour in the particular state. [...] The Commission had the advantage of interviewing a large number of distiguished educationists members of Universities representatives of teachers' organizations representatives of managements high officials of the Deparment of Education and associated professions Ministers of the State and Centre and leading representatives of the public. [...] The Commission wishes to add that it is particularly grateful to the State Governments to the Ministers of Education and other Ministers of the States to the Directors of Public Instruction and to the Ministry of Education at the Centre for their ready willingness to assist the. [...] The origin 0-7 the system of education which is prevalent today can be traced to the beginning of the nineteend century when the Goverment of the clay hail surveys made of the then prevalent systems ci' education with a vf w to re-organising education to suit the needs of the times. [...] University Education Commission In the meantime in pursuance of the recommendations of the Central Advisory Board of Education and also of the Inter-University Board the Government of India appointed a University Education Comission in 1948 under the Chairmanship of Dr.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-viii unknown view
Chapter I Introductory
1-8 unknown view
Chapter II Appraisal of the Existing Situation
9-19 unknown view
Chapter III Reorientation of Aims and Objectives
20-29 unknown view
Chapter IV New Organisational Pattern of Secondary Education
30-58 unknown view
Chapter V Study of Languages
59-73 unknown view
Chapter VI Curriculum in Secondary Schools
74-101 unknown view
Chapter VII Dynamic Methods of Teaching
102-118 unknown view
Chapter VIII The Education of Character
119-130 unknown view
Chapter IX Guidance and Counselling in Secondary Schools
131-135 unknown view
Chapter X The Physical Welfare of Students
136-143 unknown view
Chapter XI A New Approach to Examination and Evaluation
144-154 unknown view
Chapter XII Improvement of the Teaching Personnel
155-176 unknown view
Chapter XIII Problems of Administration
177-207 unknown view
Chapter XIV Finance
208-215 unknown view
Chapter XV The Secondary School as We Visualize It
216-224 unknown view
225-229 unknown view
Summary of Recommendations
230-244 unknown view
245-296 unknown view

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