cover image: Report of the Indian Association of the Cultivation of Science and Proceedings of the Science Convention for the year 1919

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Report of the Indian Association of the Cultivation of Science and Proceedings of the Science Convention for the year 1919


BY R. K. RANA AND PUBLISITED :BY THE INDIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE COLTIVATION OF SCIENCE 1922REPORT OF THE INDIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE CULTIVATION OF SCIENCE AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENCE CONVENTION FOR THE YEAR 1919. [...] K.'Seshagiri Rao M. A. (Hons.) who is now working in the Laboratory of the Association is investigating the manner in which the duration of impact depends on the thickness of the plate and the velocity of the impinging body and is endeavouring to explain the residual disagreements between theory and observation. [...] Rtjendra Nath Ghosh who was a Research Scholar of the Association worked during the year under report on the theory of the forced oscillations of strings under damping proportional to the square of the velocity and the results obtained by him are being published in the Proceedings of the Association. [...] Phanindra Nath Ghosh has been engaged in studies of the Polarisation of Light by the Striae in Mica the Theory of the visibility of Laminar Boundaries in a Microscope the Theory of Crossed Gratings and the Colours of frilled Collodion Films. [...] Bidhubhusan Roy carried out in the Laboratory of the Association an interesting study of the phenomena of convection from Heated Cylinders in Air by the Method of the Foucault Test of which the results will be published in the Proceedings of the Association.
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Report for the year 1919
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Science Convention 1919
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