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Unhappy India


The Imperialists divide theselves into two parties: (a) The advocates of pure force and no nonsense; (b) The liberals who trot out the plea of trusteeship by convincing the wards' inside and the world outside that the people are unfit to rule themselves and that the best interests of the ruled themselves demand a never-ending continuance of the trusteeship. [...] attempt to hasten" self-government in the Philippines will probably be used to discredit the policy applied to India in the pronouncement of 1917.' Miss Mayo protests that she has written the book only for the use of her own people but she has not yet told us of what use a wholesale denunciation of the Indian people could be to the people of the United States unless it was the same kind of use f [...] L. Curtis the champion of British imperialism and Miss Mayo the author of The Isles of Fear which led to Miss Mayo's visit to the India Office en route to India ' early in October 1925.' Who introduced her to the authorities of the India Office? [...] The carefully chosen quotations give it the appearance of a truthful book but the impression it leaves on my mind is that it is the report of a drain inspector sent out with the one purpose of opening and examining the drains of the country to be reported upon or to give a graphic descrition of the stench exuded by the open drains. [...] Gandhi that Miss Mayo has had a good sniff at all the filthy drains of India.' He calls her book a lie and a false picture.' The Executive Committee of the National Christian Council of India which is presided over by the Lord Bishop of Calcutta and Metropolitan of India asserts that the picture of India which emerges from Miss Mayo's book is untrue to the facts and unjust to the people of Ind
Published in
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-lix Lajpat Roy view
Chapter I. The Argument
1-14 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter II. The Light Through the Ages
15-41 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter III. The Light that Failed
42-48 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter IV. Learning and Earning—and Hard Headed Americans
49-56 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter V. A Counsel of Perfection
57-68 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter VI. History of Compulsory Primary Education
69-73 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter VII. ‘Why is Light Denied?’
74-80 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter VIII The Hindu Caste System
81-92 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter IX. He Untouchable—his Friends and his Exploiters
93-103 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter X. Less than the Pariah
104-131 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XI. Less than the Pariah—Concluded
132-150 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XII. Woman in India: A Retrospect
151-174 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XIII. Woman and the New Age
175-185 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XIV. Early to Marry and Early to Die
186-191 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XV. The Hindu Widow
192-198 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XVI. The Devadasi
199-205 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XVII. Schooling Free of Charge’
206-209 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XVIII. The Sex Urge in the West
210-253 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter IX. A Present to Mr. Winston Churchill
254-268 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XX. Muck-Rakers whom we Know
269-277 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XXI. The Hygiene of the Hindus
278-289 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XXII. Why the Cow Starves
290-300 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XXIII. India—Home of Plenty
301-318 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XXIV. India—‘Home of Stark Want’
319-349 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XXV. Poverty—The Rock-Bottom Physical Base of India’s Ills
350-372 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XXVI. Some Aspects of the Drain to-Day
373-381 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XXVII. Some Aspects of the Drain to-Day—Cofcld
382-398 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XXVIII. Divide Et Impera’
399-410 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XXIX. ‘The Sons of the Prophet’
411-425 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XXX. Britishers on British Rule
426-439 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XXXI. The Story of the Reforms
440-464 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XXXII. ‘Cumbrous Complex Confused System’
465-469 Lajpat Roy view
Chapter XXXIII. India—A World-Menace
470-486 Lajpat Roy view
Appendix I Some Opinions about ‘Mother India’
487-517 Lajpat Roy view
Appendix II. Depressed Classes
518-536 Lajpat Roy view
Appendix III. The Government of India and Caste
537-542 Lajpat Roy view
Appendix IV
543-544 Lajpat Roy view
545-546 Lajpat Roy view

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