cover image: Report on the State of Education in Bengal  1941

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Report on the State of Education in Bengal 1941


Application of the Plan to the Improvement altid Extension of Instruction amongst the Mohammedan Popiilation. 43S V. Application 2I the Plan to the Instruction of the Aboriginal Tribes... 446 VI. [...] in manner hereinafter provided a sum of not less than (311 e lac of rupees in each year shall he set apart and applied to the Tevival and improvements e literature and the encouragement of the learned natirs :4 India and for the introduction and promotion of a knowledge of the sciences anuong the inhabit ants of the British territories in India." - We should remember in this connection that the [...] The general tenor of the contents of the rut cu et (VI r‘ime lc having been for some time past highly disrespectful to the Government and to the Honourable the entirt of Directors and that paper of the 19th instant in particular comprising several paragraphs in direct violation of the Regulations regarding the press. [...] SIR I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of this date informing me that the licence of the Calcutta Chronicle is cancelled by the Right Honourable the Vice-President in Council. [...] He was for the promotion of vernacular education at a time when it was at a discount after the triumph of the Angliciss headed by Macaulay ; without being a partisan of the side of the Shakespeares and the Wilsons and the Prinseps he was no more a blind advocate of the cause of English for ever ' of the Trevolyans the D. L. R.'s and the Duffs.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-lxvii William Adam, Anathnath Basu view
First Report on the State of Education in Bengal 1835
1-126 unknown view
Second Report on the State of Education in Bengal Rajshahi 1836
127-208 unknown view
Third Report on the State of Education in Bengal 1838
209-467 unknown view
Appendix A
468-527 unknown view
Appendix B
528-578 unknown view

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