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Mantrasastra. Lalita-Sahasranaman with Bhaskararaya's Commentary Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry


Yet one of the deities of speech moved in the depth of her heart by the divine Mother the holder of the thread (the thread on which the universe is strung) dances on the tip of (my) tongue which is purified by the water which has bathed the feet of my three gurus and I accept the deity as my own self. [...] 8rividyä is the first of all the mantras and ip it the Kadi is the first and the best. [...] It is said in that work: " The pure Vidya [Kadi] is that whose body is indicated by the vowels the consonants the three bindus the three nadas and which is in the form of the thirty-six tattvas 2 and the one that transcends them." Moreover the following secret meaning and many other similar things which must be obtained froin a guru are not consistent with the Hadividya. [...] 80) says: " Now we shall describe the most secret part of that [Vidya]." Then it proceeds to prove the identity of the Gayatri with the Paficadagi mantra; and states that the word tat [the first word of the Gayatri] is synonymous with ka [the first word of the Paficadai] ; and so the identity of the other words is explained. [...] The union of Siva and Devi (ekdra) is the basis and seed of the manifestation of the universe."LALITA-SAHASRANAMAN 19 the facility of utterance.
philosophy religion
Published in
United Kingdom
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Segment Pages Author Actions
i-1 R. Sastry view
Introduction to Bhaskararaya’s Commentary
1-6 unknown view
Chapter I Lalita-Sahasranaman
7-40 unknown view
Chapter II The Thousand Names
41-375 unknown view
Chapter III
376-xxxiv unknown view

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