cover image: Calcutta Charitable Society. Memorandum of Association  Rules and Regulations

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Calcutta Charitable Society. Memorandum of Association Rules and Regulations


7. The following are the names addresses and occuptions of the present Members of the Executive Council of the Society to whom by the Rules of the Society and by resolution passed at General Meetings held pursuant to such Rules the management of the 'affairs of the Society is entrusted :— 1. SIR RUPENDRA COOMAR MITTER KT. [...] The management of the business and administration of the funds of the Society shall be in the hands of the Executive Council consisting of not more than 31 members to be appointed in the manner following :— (a) 25 members to be elected from amongst the mebers of the Society. [...] If the majority of the members of the Society do not nominate another member or members in substitution of or in addition to any name or names appearing in the list so sent and send such nomination within two weeks from the date of posting of the list to the members of the Society as aforesaid such list shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Society and the Members in the list shall be dee [...] (g) To take on lease any building for the purpose of the Society.( 17 ) (h) To petition the Central or the Provincial Goverment in the name of the Society and to affix the seal of the Society to any such petition. [...] At every Ordinary General Meeting the Executive Council shall lay before it a Statement of the Annual Income and Expenditure passed by the Executive Council and a Balance sheet containing a summary of the assets and libilities of the Society up to the end of the previous calendar year duly audited by the Auditor or Auditors of the Society.
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Mamorandum of Association
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Rules and Regulation
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