cover image: The Report of the University Education Commission

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The Report of the University Education Commission


Would you favour the allocation of powers of control and legislation in relation to Universities to (a) the Central Government or (b) the Provincial or the State Governments of (c) would you rather suggest that the subject should be in the Concurrent List of the Draft Constitution of India ? 11. [...] (a) Do you think that there should be any nominations to any of the academic bodies of the University ? (b) If so do you agree with the suggestion that these should be made by the Governor of the Province as Chancellor of the Univesity on the advice of the Vice-Chancellor ? 15. [...] Courses of Study for Professions 1. (a) Do you consider that the existing courses of study and faclities and equipment for them in the Universities are adequate suffciently varied and of high standard in relation to (1) the needs of the professions available in the country and (2) the needs of the country in general in regard to (i) Teaching (ii) Research (iii) Public administration (i [...] O. and other specialized agencies in the promotion of peace and international understanding in the world ?23 3. In what ways can the Universities encourage the teaching of the principles methods and practices of these agencies with a view to icreasing an understanding of them and to influencing the student comunity of this country ? 4. How can the Universities in India be made to participa [...] First diffusion of a fairly high level of knowledge to a large nuber of people who would make up the elite of the citizens and the higher officers of the nation ; and Second creating a set of scholars who can advance the cause of learning to an extent at least comparable with the progress in wesern countries and who will constitute the Scientific Life-Blood " of the nation.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-iv unknown view
I General
1-122 unknown view
Question II.Replies and Oral Evidence
123-276 unknown view
Question III
277-330 unknown view
Question IV
331-460 unknown view
Question V
461-534 unknown view
Question VI
535-614 unknown view
Question VII
615-664 unknown view
i-i unknown view

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