cover image: Bureau of Education  India.Selections From Educational Records  Part I: 1781-1839

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Bureau of Education India.Selections From Educational Records Part I: 1781-1839


The efforts of the missionaries the growth of a conviousness of responsibility for the instruction of the people (at a time when in England this task was hardly regarded as a public duty) the dawning of a recognition of the enormous difficulties involved in such a duty the polemics which led to the momentous decision to introduce the western system of learning for the middle class—these subje [...] The documents deal with early private enterprise and the activity first of individual servants of the East India Company then of the Company itself ; the foundation of institutions many of which have survived * Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the A§airs of the East India Company February 14th to July 27th 1832 I Public. [...] I would recommend that the rents of one or more Mousa or villages in the neighbourhood of the place be assigned for the monthly expence of the proposed Madressa and that it be referred to the Committee of Revenue to provide and make the endowment and to regulate the mode of collection and payment in such a manner as to fix and ascertain the amount and periods of both and prvent any future abuse [...] We entirely approve of the plan of the /Endo° College which you have established from the commencement of 1199 Fundy and concur in your sentiments respecting the public benefit that may be expected to result from it ; you will limit the expence of the establishment for the current year to Blocs Rupees 14 000 and in the event of the surplus collection not proving adequate to the payment of the amou [...] The following are the principal rules which I would propose should be established for the superintendence and management of those institutions incluing that already existing at the city of Benares : That the general superintendence of the colleges be vested at Benares in the agent to the Governor-General the magistrate of the city and collector of the province ; at Nuddea in the senior member o
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-xiv H. Sharp view
Chapter I.Early Enterprise
1-15 unknown view
Chapter II.The Growth of a Sense of Responsibility
16-29 unknown view
Chapter III. Institutions
30-44 unknown view
Chapter IV.Mass Education and Organisation
45-76 Thomas Munro view
Chapter V.The Beginnings of English Education
77-101 Rammohun Roy view
Chapter VI.Macaulay’S Minute
102-131 unknown view
Chapter VII. The Orientalists’ Point Of View
132-142 T.B. Macaulay, J.C.C. Sutherland view
Chapter VIII. Lord Auckland’s Minute
143-180 J.R. Colvin view
181-218 unknown view
219-i unknown view

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