cover image: Report on the Pandemic of Influenza (La Grippe) in the Province of Coorg during the year 1918

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Report on the Pandemic of Influenza (La Grippe) in the Province of Coorg during the year 1918


The appearance of the throat was somewhat characteristic of the influenza throat the headache was neuralgic there were nerve neuralgias excessive pain in neck and in the course of the spine great pain in the epigastrium no gurgling in the right iliac fossa nor tympanitis the evacuations were dirty grey-brown the pyrexia irregular the nature of the pulse etc. [...] This was the only fatal case that occurred during the influenza epidemic in the jail and in fact was the only case that died amongst the prisoners in the Mercara Jail for the whole year 1918. [...] The latter bacillus is known to lie dormant in the respiratory passages especially in the antrum of Highmore frontal and other sinuses of the nasal passages the mouth and respiratory secretions resembling in this respect other respiratory germs. [...] of the attack has been described in the body of the report but I would briefly emphasise the following points : Immediate rest in bed as soon as attacked and to remain there under supervision of the medical man with careful nursing in the severer types. [...] From the point of view of the physician who has to treat these cases the most important part of the article is in the last paragraph..
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Report on the Pandemic of Influenza (La Grippe) in the Province of Coorg During The Year 1918
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