cover image: Report on the Progress of Education in Orissa for the year 1945-46

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Report on the Progress of Education in Orissa for the year 1945-46


The organisation of Education in North Orissa is in the hands of the Inspector of Schools North Orissa who is in immediate charge of high schools for boys and that in South Orissa in the hands of the District Educational Officer Ganjam who is in immediate charge of all secondary and training schools. [...] The inspection of primary schools and the supervision of the e lucationa I work done therein are as usual parts of the duties of the Educational Officers of Government. [...] The increase in the number of high schools in the Province evinces the growing desire of the people for higher educatio.)`Ile inspection of high schools is conducted by the officers of the Education Department. [...] (vii) Medium of Instruction—English continued to be the medium of instruction in colleges (viii) Curriculum—The Academic Council and the Syndicate prescribes courses of studies and text-books for the various of the colleges af:er considering the recommendations of the Board of Studies. [...] The term of appointment the __a tinging Committee of the school expired during the year al.c1 -pr p03al: for the reconstitcjon of the Managing Committee are under the eor si ierat m-i of Government.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-iii unknown view
Chapter I. Introductory
1-7 unknown view
Chapter II. Primary Education
7-11 unknown view
Chapter III. Secondary Education—Kiddie Schools
11-13 unknown view
Chapter IV. Secondary Education—High Schools
13-15 unknown view
Chapter V. University Education
16-19 unknown view
Chapter VI. Adult Education
20-20 unknown view
Chapter VII. Vocational and Technical Education
21-27 unknown view
Chapter VIII. Aesthetic Education
27-28 unknown view
Chapter IX. Training of Teachers
28-29 unknown view
Chapter X. Education of the physically And mentally handicapped
30-30 unknown view
Chapter XI. Oriential Studies
30-32 unknown view
Chapter XII. The Education of Girls and Women
32-34 unknown view
Chapter XIII. Education of Special Classes and Communities
34-41 unknown view
Chapter XIV. Miscellaneous
41-42 unknown view
General Summary
43-xxxix unknown view
i-ii unknown view

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