cover image: Proceedings and Addresses of the First Indian Cultural Conference


Proceedings and Addresses of the First Indian Cultural Conference


4. Summaries of Papers 5. Message of the Acharya_ 6. Address of the Chairmah pf the Reception Committee 7. Address of the General Vresident 8. Addresses of the President& of different Sections Sreekrishna Printing Works--Calcutta.1—I'S:EXCELLENCY THE RIGHT HON'BLE FREEMAN FREEMAN-THOMAS EARL OF VVILLINGDON G. M. S. I. G. C. M. G. G. M. I. E G. BEE. [...] The Chairman of the Reception Committee read out the message of blessings of the Acharya of this Conference Sir Brajendra Nath Seal Kt. [...] Seal read out the following three important messages of The Most Hon'ble the Marquess of Zetland G. C. S. I. G. C. I. E. the Secretary of State for India and a Patron of the Indian Research Institute of the Maharajadhiraj Bahadur Sir Bijoy Chand Mahtab of BurdNan a Patron and member of the Executive Committee of the Indian Research Institute and of Mr. [...] The Chairman of the Reception Committee announced the names of the Sectional Presidents and Secretaries of the different sections. [...] Tulsi Chandra Goswami M. A. (Oxon.) Bar-at-law one of the Patrons and Vice-Presidents of the Indian Research Institute offered vote of thanks to the President the Chairman and the delegates and the authorities of the Calcutta University.

Mentioned Organizations

Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-iv unknown view
1-2 Satis Seal view
Members of the Reception Committee
3-4 unknown view
Proceedings of the First Indian Cultural Conference
5-18 unknown view
Summaries of Papers
i-20 unknown view
i-8 unknown view
Presidential Addresses
1-17 unknown view
Presidential Addresses
1-5 Bimala Law view
Presidential Addresses
6-15 Satkari Mookerjee view
Presidential Addresses
16-18 Puran Nahar view
Substance of the Presidential Addresses
19-19 Khagendra Mitra view
Excerpts of the Presidential Addresses
20-21 Manackjee Rustomjee view
Presidential Addresses
22-47 Gananath Sen view
Presidential Addresses
48-53 Vanamali Vedantatirtha view
Excerpts from the Presidential Addresses
54-56 Rama Chanda view

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