cover image: Trade and Navigation Report of Aden for the Year 1933-34(With Statements 1 to 29)

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Trade and Navigation Report of Aden for the Year 1933-34(With Statements 1 to 29)


Statement of total Sea borne Trade 3 9 Grand total of Imports and Exports ; Details of Imports and Exports Merchandise and Treasure...... 4 10 Value of Trade of Imports and Exports according to prescribed Classification under four Classes with remarks of various Classes.. 4 Imports. [...] 8 Statement of total Sea borne Trade 3 9 Grand total of Imports and Exports ; Details of Imports and Exports Merchandise and Treasure.. 10 Value of Trade of Imports and Exports according to prescribed Classification under four Classes with remarks of various Classes 4 Imports. [...] Comparative Statement of the principal Articles of Imports
commerce industry
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii unknown view
i-iv unknown view
Report on the Trade and Navigation of Aden
1-1 unknown view
General Summary
2-3 unknown view
Total Sea Borne Trade
3-5 unknown view
5-11 unknown view
11-24 unknown view
Abstract Tables
25-273 unknown view
Shipping 1933-34
i-280 unknown view
Export Transhipment Cargo 1933-34
281-294 unknown view
Export Transhipment Cargo 1933-34
295-313 unknown view

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