cover image: Report of the Committee of the Marwari Chamber of Commerce for the Year 1939

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Report of the Committee of the Marwari Chamber of Commerce for the Year 1939


This Chamber has always stood by the righteous cause has always advocated for the establshment of peace and amity which make for the progress of trade and commerce has advised Government to reduce military expediture what they can afford to do has asked for the Indianisatian of services and has always been in favour of increasing the amenties of the labour population and raising the [...] It is therfore important that the resources of the country are pooled together to keep alive the industries which India under most adverse and unfavourable circumstances have built up and retained The premier and national industry of the country is cotton Towards the beginning of the year under review the industry showedxi signs of improvement and profits earned were fairly large. [...] It has strongly stood against the dumping of piecegoods by Japan making way for the unsteady and panicky state of the market and the fraudulent tactics resorted to by some mills in passing off their goods of narrower dimensions for wider ones by deceitful stamping and the unjust and unequitous system of holding arbitrations:in Bombay in the event of disputes arising. [...] Imports of Cement have received a great set back This Chamber had had the good sense of realising the impotance of cottage industries as forming an essential link of the social and economic life of the country and of advocating their resuscition by every kind of stateaid and keeping them immune from the competition of mechanised industry. [...] This Chamber drew serious attention of the Government to the provision of the Tariff Board Report regarding the grant of protection to the industry and recommended taking such steps by which the foreign owned concerns might not acquire undue control to the detriment of Indian owned concerns.
commerce industry
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-x unknown view
Marwari Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting 1939
i-xxiii unknown view
Memorandum of Association of the Marwari Chamber of Commerce Calcutta
i-6 unknown view
Articles of Association of the Marwari Chamber of Commerce
7-22 unknown view
Amendment of Memorandum and Articles of Association
23-23 unknown view
Standing Committees and Sub-Committees of the Chamber
i-7 unknown view
List of Members of Marwari Chamber of Commerce Calcutta
i-9 unknown view
Marawari Chamber of Commerce Representation on Public Bodies
i-6 unknown view
Meetings and Interviews of Makawari Chamber of Commerce Calcutta
i-28 unknown view
1-3 unknown view
Income-Tax Amendment of Income-tax Rules for Filling up Return Forms
1-12 unknown view
Law & Legislation
i-53 unknown view
Trade and Industry
54-80 unknown view
Piecegoods Trade and its Problems
81-120 unknown view
Statistics & Enquiries
121-152 unknown view
Customs and Port Commissioners
153-182 unknown view
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
183-194 unknown view
195-226 unknown view
Traffic & Police
227-238 unknown view
Corporation & Municipality
239-254 unknown view
Post and Telegraphs
255-266 unknown view
267-308 unknown view
309-313 unknown view

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