cover image: Proceedings of the All India Conference of Librarians  Held at Lahore  4th - 8th January 1918

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Proceedings of the All India Conference of Librarians Held at Lahore 4th - 8th January 1918


Sharp in welcoming the membersreferred to the 'ork already done by the Asiatic Society of Bengal the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society the library.' Committee of the Board of Scientific Ad *ce and similar bodies. [...] That the Government of India be r quested to compile and publish such a census after consulting the Counails of th Asiatic Society of Bengal and the Bombay branch of the Royal Asiatic Soci ty the authorities of tike Madras University Library and the Imperial IiiI3rary d such other authorities as the Government of India may deem it desirable to e I nsult as to the kinds of information to be given [...] ' (ii) That the information to be collected in the census should include the loction of each library the date of its foundation its ownership„its income its staff book budget accessibility to the public and conditions of admission he nuber of printed books the number of manuscripts pamphlets and p riodicals and the nature and date of the catalogue. [...] (4) That the GOvernment of India' should in consultation with the local Governments determine the number of circles and the limit?: and centre of each circle and the nature of the distributing agency. [...] He had sent the list to the British Museum the authorities of which reported that in every case their copies of the books were in perfect condition and that there was no sign of deterioration of papers except an occasional foxing." He had suggested to the Government of India that an enquiry into the causes of the perishing of paper should be undertaken and he was strongly against the posponem
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i-2 unknown view
The All-India Conference of Librarians 1918
1-2 unknown view
Proceedings of the Conference
3-3 unknown view
Resolutions Passed by the Conference
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15-18 unknown view

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