cover image: The Maha-Bodhi  April-May 1950

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The Maha-Bodhi April-May 1950


Go ye 0 Bhikkhus and under forth for the gain of the many for the welfare of the many in compassion for the world for the good for the gain for the welfare of gods and men. [...] "Accustomed long to know the meaning of the Wordless I have forgot the way to trace the roots of verbs and source of words and phrases." It is by self-disciplining of the mind after the manner of disciplining a wild horse and making the mind immune to the obsessing and yogcally undesirable influences emanaing from the illusory phantasmagoria of the world that Milarepa would have us seek [...] And hereof he sings in his song about the Horse of Mind how the undiciplined mind is to be caught with the Lasso of Singleness of Purpose tied to the Pole of Meditation fed with the Guru's Teachings and watered from the Stream of Conciousness. [...] To Milarepa as to all saints of every religion in all civilizations and epochs of human history wantlessness and complete renunciation of the worldly way of living rather than alconsuming dsire for and acquisition of the perishable things of the world lead to the attainment of a standard of living which is the highest realizable on this planet. [...] The attack of the Buddha on the infallibility of the Vedas had destroyed the validity of this old foundatioof Chaturvarna.
philosophy religion
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i Kalidas Nag, Devapriya Valisinha view
i-vi Kalidas Nag, Devapriya Valisinha view
Lord Buddha Teaches Rahula his Son
101-101 Kalidas Nag, Devapriya Valisinha view
A Sermon
102-iii Kalidas Nag, Devapriya Valisinha view
Vesak Thoughts
103-105 Samanera Sangharakshita view
An Achievement
106-107 Anagarika Ratana view
The A-Nicca Principle and “the Everlasting Hills”
108-112 Edward Greenly view
Tibet’s Great Yogi Milarepa
113-ii W. Y. Wentz view
Buddha and the Future of his Religion
117-viii B. R. Ambedkar view
There shall be Peace
119-120 V. Shibayev view
The Way Through the Jungle
121-123 Clare Cameron view
Influence of Buddhism on a People
124-129 Nyanatiloka Thera view
Coveting a Dhammapada
130-132 I. B. Horner view
Buddhism and Science
133-134 A. Rant view
Santi : Peace
135-135 G. Lounsbery view
136-137 Vajiranana Thera view
Lord Buddha’s Advice to Girls
138-138 Kalidas Nag, Devapriya Valisinha view
139-145 B. C. Law view
146-ii Bhikkhu Thittila view
The Beauty of the Buddhist Setting
149-153 Pryns Hopkins view
Faith Hope and Charity
154-157 R. J. Jackson view
Vesak Eve
157-159 M. P. Fernando view
Buddha and the Chaturvarnya
160-163 A. R. Kulkarni view
Going Forth
164-i Henri Zeyst view
Treatment of Rupa in the Abhidhamma System
169-173 Dwijendralal Barua view
Buddhism and Marxism
174-177 J. R. Jyewardene view
Some Thoughts on Morality
178-179 Robert Clifton view
My Friend
180-180 Fran Allen view
Vaisakha in the United States of America
181-182 Kalidas Nag, Devapriya Valisinha view
That Vesak Moon
182-182 Anagarika Ratana view
Bodhidharma in China
183-186 W. Pachow view
Bubdhism in Thailand
187-189 Kalidas Nag, Devapriya Valisinha view
One Full-Moon Day
190-192 Anagarika Ratana view
The Day of Days
193-195 Marie Pulley view
The Message of Asoka Cakra to the World
196-198 R. L. Soni view
i-ii Kalidas Nag, Devapriya Valisinha view

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