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Indian Sugar August 1953


The Select Committee have also made changes in the definition of Occupier" of a factory organisation of Sugarcane Board circumstances in which the Board can be dissolved and powers of the Cane Commissioner in connection with the nomination of the Chairman of the Cane Development Council and dismisal of its members. [...] During the debate on the Bill an amendment was moved to the effect that the Development Councils to be established under the Bill should have three-fourths of the cane cess collected by the Government and this amount should be spent for the betterment of the activities of the council. [...] The meeting of the representatives of the Goverment of India and the State Governments of Bombay Madras Bihar and U. P. will be held in New Delhi under the Presidentship of the Food Minister Shri Rafi Ahmed Kidwai on September 2 1953 for the fixation of the price of sugarcane for 1953-54 season. [...] In the view of the industry the reasons for the slight increase in the sugar prices were various. [...] The difference in sucrose content between stalks of the same clump in this season also like previous year was pronounced and found proportional to the age of the crop in the beginning of the season.
commerce industry
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
187-188 J.S. Mehta view
189-i J.S. Mehta view
The Sugar Problem
193-198 Brahma Swarup view
Sugarcane & its Problems
199-204 J.S. Mehta view
Sugar Technology
205-208 J.S. Mehta view
Sugar Confectionery
209-i J.S. Mehta view
Sugar Abroad
213-216 J.S. Mehta view
217-220 J.S. Mehta view
Letter to the Editor
221-222 J.S. Mehta view
Company Affairs
223-223 J.S. Mehta view
224-233 J.S. Mehta view
234-234 J.S. Mehta view

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