cover image: The Presidency College Magazine  April 1953

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The Presidency College Magazine April 1953


The evil at the root of thisUNIVERSITY EDUCATION 5 confusion of purpose is of course the prohibitive presence of a foreign medium of instruction the naturally imperfect knowledge of which would inhibit the free play of imagination and intellect throwing the young learner on the mechanical resources of his memory. [...] The recent establishment by the Bihar Government of the Mithila Institute of Sanskrit at Darbhanga and also the Nalanda Institute of Pali on the outskirts of the ruins of the famous ancient university shows a commendable desire to revive Sanskritic learning. [...] The recommendation made at a recent conference of the Vice-Chancellors of the U. P. universities of a compulsory course of Sanskrit for B. A. and M. A. students taking Hindi as one of their main subjects is a recognition of the importance of the study of Sanskrit as enriching the study of languages derived from it. [...] His name has been rendered immortal in the cultural annals of Bengal for four notable contrbutions : the foundation of the Bhagavat Chatuspathi (1895) the establisment of the Dawn (1897) the organisation of the Dawn Society (1902) and last but not the least the inauguration of the National Council of Education (1906). [...] the authorities of the said institution have decided that it would be in the interest of the magazine (having regard to the high-class character which it has always sought to maintain) that its publication be suspended during the period of illness of the Editor".1 The Editor regained his health by May 1899 and the Dawn resumed its career from June 1899 with renewed energy and zeal.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii unknown view
University Education
1-8 unknown view
The Concept of Ecstasy Reviewed in the Light of Sanskrit Poetics
9-12 Jogeshchandra Bhattacharya view
Sinclair’s New Epistemology
12-17 Sachindranath Gangopadhyaya view
A Trip to Totopara
17-19 Sunil Mukherjee view
Satish Chandra Mukherjee and the Dawn Magazine (1897-1913)
20-31 Haridas Mukherjee view
“As Civilization Advances Poetry Declines”
32-34 Karunasankar Roy view
Mirza Raja Jai Singh—— a Forgotten Rajput Statesman
34-41 Barun De view
Lingering Imperialism
41-46 Mihir Rakhsit view

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